The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 33: How To Win Friends And Influence Varmints


Wow, Rusty really doesn't want to play patty-cake. Uh. Sam apologizes--

--but he's pissed Rusty off so badly that Rusty refuses to socialize further! Oh no! Game over!

Or, you know, Rusty drops a Sad Essence and then we have to click the 'Socialize' button again, which is a terrible imposition.

Fine, then. Let's chat, Rusty.

... so is Roland's quest this quest Sam is on right now? Or is it something else? Maybe if we get Sam to talk about it, we'll find out.

Well, whatever it is, it bores Rusty to tears.

Well, if he's not impressed, we should impress him. Show off, Sam!

"Check it out, I'm a Wandolier!"

Excuse me? Oh, you did not just diss the Wandoliers--


Huh. I guess Rusty likes it when we stand up to him! Well, now that he's amused, let's tell him a joke.

Okay, this time let's... not bore him to tears. Nice horseshoe you got there!


... do you think Rusty enjoys poetry?

Me neither.

Woo hoo!

Aww, Rusty feels bad about his crimes. There there.

I'm sure that's totally okay and in no way against the law or anything.

or I guess they can chat, that's good too

Uh oh.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: So much farming for Essences, crap.